I'm Josh, a full stack engineer

I build websites and web apps with Next.js, Remix, Python, Node ect. I also write stuff on my blog.

The Tools I Use

D3.jsFigmaGSAPNext.jsPlaywrightPostgresPythonReactReact RouterSanitySupabaseTailwindViteRemixFramer MotionNode.jsTanstackPrismaTypeScriptD3.jsFigmaGSAPNext.jsPlaywrightPostgresPythonReactReact RouterSanitySupabaseTailwindViteRemixFramer MotionNode.jsTanstackPrismaTypeScript

The type of stuff I've been working on lately

Robot on typing on a computer in a candle lit room
me when i go on computer

Job openings

Hydrogen Demo

A demo Shopify Hydrogen project built to showcase GSAP for page transitions